It's a lil drawing of me Hi! I'm Sam Ingle.

Untold’s bolt logo I’m a software developer in Portland Oregon. I work at (and co-own) Untold Studio.

This is my personal website, I post projects I work on in my spare time from time to time.

Name ’em

I play Dungeons and Dragons from time to time, and I've got a really tough time keeping fantasy names straight. I built a little name generator that takes the name data from The Social Security Administration, filters out all but a couple thousand of the most popular names, then uses a weighted random generator to pick one for me.

Is This Normal?

My sister Erin and fellow comedian Alyssa Yeoman host a very funny podcast called Is This Normal. I built a website for their listeners to vote on polls and make text or audio submissions for the show. The audio submission feature was particularly fun to build – it uses the MediaRecorder API and does real-time sampling for a custom visualizer.